Opemiska Property DESCRIPTION OF THE OPEMISKA PROPERTY The Opemiska property owned at 100% by Ex-In has a surface  of 5 km² and englobes two former underground copper-gold  mine: the Springer and the Perry mines.    Both were mined between 1953 and 1991, targeting narrow but rich veins. The first years, the ore sent to the mill averaged over  6% copper. Later the grade of ore sent to the mill went down to less than 3% Cu, partly because some of the ore came from a  small glory hole. Today, many former underground mines are  being mined using open pit to extract large volumes of lower  grade ore. So far, 14,504 DDH and 303,433 assays were digitized from  original logs and hundreds of maps and sections were digitized  and geo-referenced. All this work has allowed us to build a 3D  view of the old infrastructures and DDH (Figure 9) and thus,  help us determine the geological potential and to define more  accurately areas of potential. Since 2013, the collaboration with  our group of consultants RPA (Roscoe Postle and Associates)  allowed us to define, between 500 and 1,500 feet below the  surface, a large volume of ore with economic values of copper  and gold.    GOAlS  We believe that this ore can be mined with profit by an efficient  bulk mining operation, either from the surface or underground  high volume, such as at Gaspé Copper and there is enough ore  available in Springer and Perry mines to start an open pit mine.   The main objectives for Ex-In in the coming months are:   1. Define with new drilling the surface’s extension of the  mineralization present between 500 and 1500 feet deep in the Springer mine  2. Define new mineralized zones as a result of the  geophysical compilation which will be carried out by  Frederic Gaucher within his Master in the Laurentian  University in Sudbury.  3. Continue the development of the property PROPERTY LOCATION  The Opemiska mine property is located in Chapais and is easily  accessible from Montréal via Highway 113 or from Quebec City  from Highway 167, then Highway 113 (Figure 1). CLAIMS Ex-In owns eleven claims in the vicinity of the Opemiska mine (Figure 4) which total 684,86  hectares (Table 1). Claims are 100% owned by Ex-In. Eight of the claims cover the Springer and Perry past producing mines and total 518.23 hectares. BACKGROUND – CHIBOUGAMAU-CHAPAIS MINING CAMP The Chapais-Chibougamau mining camp is the second largest  mining district in the Quebec part of the Abitibi greenstone belt.  The camp has produced approximately 86 million metric tonnes  of ore from 1953 to 2008, including 1.57 million tonnes Cu,  176.1 tonnes Au, 108.8 tonnes Ag, and 72,066 tonnes Zn  (Leclerc and al., 2012). Production at Opemiska started in 1953 and ceased in 1991.  Production tonnage was extracted from four mines, namely the  Springer, Perry, Robitaille and Cooke mines. A total of  approximately 600,000 short tons of copper, 216,000 ounces of  silver and 529,000 ounces of gold have been produced from  26.6 million short tons of milled ore.  Mineralization in the Chapais-Chibougamau area is classified into  the following types (Leclerc and al., 2012):  • Syn-magmatic Fe-Ti-V and Ni-Cu platinum group element  (PGE) mineralization in mafic-ultramafic layered complexes and  sills. Fe-Ti-V deposits occur within the Layered zone of the Lac  Doré Complex, especially where it thickens in areas of  interpreted syn-magmatic faults. Sub-economic magmatic Ni-Cu  deposits occur at the contacts of mafic-ultramafic or tonalitic  intrusions.  • Syn-magmatic “Chibougamau-type” Cu-Au veins formed  through magmatic-hydrothermal processes. They are cut by  dikes that predate regional D2 deformation but are located  within, and are deformed by, north-west and north-east rending  D2 shear zones.  • Syn-magmatic early polymetallics Au-Ag-Cu-Zn-Pb veins  associated with north/north-west to north/north-east-striking  syn-volcanic faults.  • Syn-volcanic volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS). VMS  deposits occur within felsic volcanic rocks of tholeiitic affinity  and mafic to felsic volcanic rocks of transitional to calc-alkaline  affinity at the top of three volcanic cycles of the Roy Group.  VMS deposits are associated with north/north-west to  north/north-east-striking syn-volcanic faults.  • Shear zone hosted “orogenic” Cu-Au and Au. o “Opemiska-type” Cu-Au veins occur within regional overturned  anticlines in mafic sills of the Cummings Complex. Veins in the  Chapais area are developed in east-west reverse D2 shear zones  that parallel the axial surface of the Beaver Lake anticline in the  upper gabbro of the Ventures sill. These veins are also  reoriented into north-west/south-east D2 shear zones and  faults.  o Au deposits are developed preferentially within regional east-  west–trending deformation corridors and along north/north-  east-striking sinistral shear zones.  GEOLOGY  The Opemiska mine is located in the northeastern Abitibi  greenstone volcanic belt just west of the town of Chapais  (Figure 5). The area is underlain by Archean rocks of the  Obatogamau and Gilman Formations (pillowed basalts and  gabbro sills) and the Blondeau Formation (volcano-sedimentary  assemblage). The Blondeau Formation is intruded by the  Cummings Complex which consists of three ultramafic and mafic  sills, namely the Roberge, Ventures, and Bourbeau sills. The  Ventures sill is divided into five members, in ascending  stratigraphic order, Lower Green Pyroxenite, Black Pyroxenite,  Upper Green Pyroxenite, Foliated Gabbro, and Ventures Gabbro.  The Springer mine is located in the Ventures Gabbro.  Lithologies have been intruded by the Opemisca granitic pluton.  Lithologies are compressed and metamorphosed to the  greenschist facies (chlorite-epidote-tremolite). The northeast-  trending Gwillim fault has displaced the sequence in the order of  2.5 km. Regional and local structures are important factors controlling  the Cu-Au-Ag mineralization at Opemiska which appears to be  syn-tectonic to post-tectonic in age. Mineralization is  concentrated in networks of veins and veinlets of different  orientations with dips generally sub-vertical. Veins occur within  regional overturned anticlines in mafic sills of the Cummings  Complex. Veins are developed in east-west reverse D2 shear  zones that parallel the axial surface of the Beaver Lake anticline  in the upper gabbro of the Ventures sill. These veins are also  reoriented into north-west/south-east D2 shear zones and  faults. Vein width varies from 0.5 ft to several tens of feet. At the Springer mine the ore consists of semi-massive to  massive chalcopyrite-magnetite-quartz-carbonate ± pyrite veins  and veinlets in a subophitic gabbro (Leclerc and al, 2012). The  main metallic minerals observed are chalcopyrite, pyrite,  pyrrhotite, magnetite, and gold with minor amounts of  sphalerite (locally abundant), gersdorffite and galena (Salmon,  1984). Traces of molybdenite, cobaltite, scheelite, bornite, and  malachite are present in the mineralization. The economic  mineralization is almost entirely confined to the Ventures sill.  At the Springer mine, veins generally strike east-west while at  the Perry mine, veins strike generally north-south. The fracture  system may have developed during the regional folding.  For further details on the Opemiska property, please fulfill the  confidentiality agreement to receive the reports written by  RPA. © Copyright 2014 - All rights reserved Fig.3: Diamond Drilling Campaign, held in 2010  Fig.6: Prospecting campaign, held in 2002  Click thumbnail to enlarge the flyers  Table 1: Claims List Figure 1: Location Map of the Opemiska Project Click thumbnail to enlarge  Fig.2 Diamond drilling cores from hole # OP-2010-19: 17% Cu + 1.7 g/t Au / 3m. Fig.5: Local Geology  Fig.4: Claims Map  Fig.7: 2012 Geophysical Survey: Magnetic Anomalies  Fig.8: 2012 Geophysical Survey:   Induced Polarization Anomalies  Fig.9: Interractive 3D model   of the drifts, stopes and partial   geology © Copyright 2019 - All rights reserved SEE MORE PICTURES OF OPEMISKA Fig.10: Presentation of the  Opemiska Property (.PDF)